Greg Trimble

Greg is the Founder of Lemonade Stand, an Inc. 5000 company and one of the fastest-growing digital marketing agencies in the United States. He also founded Build Then Bless®, a fintech platform that changes the world through one micro-interaction at a time, and Yalla, a team management and collaboration tool that is 100% dedicated to helping companies and organizations work better together. He’s an author of five books, including Divine Orchestration, The Story of The Millennial Choirs & Orchestras. Greg serves on the Editorial Board for BYU Studies, the Board of Directors of Faith Matters, the Advisory Board for Scripture Central, and the Board of Directors for Millennial Choirs & Orchestras, and assists many other faith-based organizations in their various missions to strengthen faith in God. Greg enjoys spending time with his family most of all, while surfing, skiing, golfing, and playing almost every other sport imaginable.

The Power of Your Words

In the business world, there’s an acronym that goes by the name of BHAG. It stands for a “Big Hairy Audacious Goal.” This saying represents something so big, so out of this world hard to accomplish, that few even try. It’s just too hard for most people. This seemingly impossible goal, in my opinion, is…

Please Don’t Leave the Church Over a Mask

I haven’t written much lately, but there is something that really worries me. I don’t want good brothers and sisters in the gospel to fight with one another and then leave the church because of a simple little mask. The world is going through a lot. People are going through a lot. There is confusion…

31 Easy Ways To Make Others Feel Welcome At Church

I could be wrong, but have this feeling that one of the most important things we’ll do as members of the church in this life… is to make others feel welcome and wanted. I know the ordinances and covenants and everything that goes along with them is really important, but as the great apostle Paul…

Take It Easy On President Nelson

I woke up to what I considered some good news from the Church yesterday. But along with it, for some reason, came also a slew of negativity toward the prophet and the apostles. Can people not see that President Nelson and the apostles are trying their hardest to do what’s right? Can you imagine the…

Why We Choose To Do Baptisms For The Dead

As a family, we choose to do something that most people would consider quite strange. We perform baptisms for the dead. No, we’re not grave diggers, and we don’t drag dead people to a baptismal font or to a local lake. We may be weird… but we’re not that weird. To be fair, everyone has…

Just Going To Church Isn’t What Makes A Person Happy

There are thousands upon thousands of faithful church members who live in a constant state of unhappiness. They’ve done “all the right things” so to speak. They pay their tithing, are saying their prayers, and reading their scriptures. They’re keeping the commandments and showing up for all of their meetings. They go on missions, serve others,…