Category Archives: Faith

4 Major Reasons Why We Love To Feed The Missionaries

Some people feed the missionaries out of guilt. Some people feed them because they were assigned by the ward missionary meal coordinator. And some people feed them because they just absolutely love to feed the missionaries. Here are the 4 major reasons why we absolutely love to feed the missionaries: 1. Each Missionary Has A…

A Church Where Doubters Are Welcome

Somewhere on the front of every Mormon church sits a plaque that reads, “Visitors Welcome.” I sort of wish that there could be another saying on that plaque that would read, “Doubters Welcome.” Of course I want visitors or “non-members” to come to church, check it out, and be part of our great church family….

My 10 Most Read Blog Posts… And Why I Wrote Them

About 2 years ago, I started to write about the things that were important to me. I wasn’t cool, or popular (I’m still not.) I don’t know how to sing, or dance, or play an instrument. I’m not a celebrity or a billionaire. I lead a very normal life, a life that is perfect for…

Do Mormons Get Paid To Serve In The Church?

In my not too distant past… I found myself standing at an intersection with 4 different churches, one on each corner. I thought it would be fun and interesting to go in and talk to a couple of the priests and pastors of those churches about various aspects of their doctrine and beliefs. A couple of…

This Is What Mormonism Is All About

People say lots of things about Mormonism. Unfortunately few of them come close to accurately describing what it’s all about. Mormonism at it’s core is about helping people. Not just Mormons…but everyone, from any congregation. Recently, I was able to observe the people of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at their best. While it was…

The 3 Types Of Mormons In The Last Days

On June 16th 1844 Joseph Smith gave what is known as the “Sermon in the Grove.” It was one of the last things we’d ever hear from the prophet and it got cut short on account of the rain. He was only eleven days away from his martyrdom at Carthage and he knew that his time was…