Category Archives: Faith

Do Mormons Really Think They Can Become Like God?

Mormons are ridiculed for one of their doctrines maybe more so than any of the others. So here it is… Mormons are actually presumptuous enough to believe that they can become like God! Is that insane? Is it blasphemous or sacrilegious? Let’s find out… When I was in college, I asked a Christian professor and…

The Science behind “Feeling the Holy Ghost”

There might not be anything more absurd to an atheist, than when a Christian says, “I’m feeling the Holy Ghost”. Whaaaaaa! Are you kidding?!…screams the atheist. You’re telling me that there is some being somewhere called the Holy Ghost that is recording all of our thoughts, words, and actions while simultaneously influencing and dwelling within…

Why Mormons and Evangelicals Should Be Friends

If you’re reading this article, it’s either because you’re Mormon or Evangelical…or you’re like one of those kids at the school yard that is surrounding the two kids yelling “fight, fight, fight”. Honestly though, the endless rhetoric between Mormons and Evangelicals about faith and works or other points of doctrine should be laid to rest…

How To Become Immortal in the Lives of Others

If you want to become immortal in the lives of others, you’ll need to contradict your instinctive desire to aggrandize yourself. Phillip Brooks once said,  How carefully most men creep into nameless graves while now and again one or two forget themselves into immortality. So many of us “creep” into nameless graves because we spend…

The Best Poem a Dad Will Ever Read

  The Best Poem a Dad Will Ever Read My wife gave me a poem. I placed it high on a wall in my office to always remind me of what is important in life. You would do well to do likewise.   I would rather be the daddy of a romping, roguish crew Of…