Greg Trimble

Greg is the Founder of Lemonade Stand, an Inc. 5000 company and one of the fastest-growing digital marketing agencies in the United States. He also founded Build Then Bless®, a fintech platform that changes the world through one micro-interaction at a time, and Yalla, a team management and collaboration tool that is 100% dedicated to helping companies and organizations work better together. He’s an author of five books, including Divine Orchestration, The Story of The Millennial Choirs & Orchestras. Greg serves on the Editorial Board for BYU Studies, the Board of Directors of Faith Matters, the Advisory Board for Scripture Central, and the Board of Directors for Millennial Choirs & Orchestras, and assists many other faith-based organizations in their various missions to strengthen faith in God. Greg enjoys spending time with his family most of all, while surfing, skiing, golfing, and playing almost every other sport imaginable.

A Look Into The Heart Of An Adoptive Parent

Over the past few years, I have become fascinated by the concept of adoption. After my wife and I were married, we were blessed with two children very quickly. Taylor came first, just over ten months from the day we were married, and Trenton followed just fifteen months after Taylor was born. All of a…

The Thing I Love Most About Mormons

For all that might be said about Mormon culture and any of its associated foibles and weaknesses, there is one thing that I will always love about “those Mormons.” The attribute of Mormon’s that I love so much is something that has gotten them, as a people, through some of the most troubling times any…

The Coming Revolution Inside of Mormonism

UPDATE – I recently wrote a book based on this blog post in case you are interested: You can find The Cultural Evolution Inside of Mormonism book on Amazon if you’re interested. — I’ve had many experiences lately with people online and offline that lead me to believe that there’s a coming revolution that will be taking…

The Logic Behind Joining The Mormon Church

About a month ago, my wife and kids were standing in line at Disneyland waiting to go on the newly renovated Thunder Mountain. Normally standing in line for an hour is really boring but not this time! We were blessed to have a couple standing behind us that decided they would like to bag on…